Graduation Day!
Today is the last school day of the year for us, and I’ve got two boys who are excited about Christmas and holidays coming up next week. They’ve had a great year in Kindergarten and Preschool, and are looking forward to seeing their friends again and sharing the same playground at school next year. And,…
Be Kind to Yourself
I saw this post by a friend on Facebook the other day: ‘OK this is a note to future me… take a deep breath, have a cuppa, ask for a hand and just take it day by day.. you can do it’. It reminded me how important it is to be kind to yourself. I…
Milestones and Motherhood
My youngest son turned 5 years old yesterday. It was a special day, our last birthday of hanging out alone together before he goes to school full-time in the new year. So I made sure that I could have one of those ‘yes’ days where I was able to put aside my own agenda and…
Despicable Jobs
Despicable jobs. We all have them –whether they are household tasks, paperwork, or elements of childcare that we just can’t handle. As you keep reading, think about the top three tasks that you despise, ones you would rather not ever have to do again! I was at a friend’s wedding a few years ago, and…
Over the Overwhelm
As much as I love school holidays for their change of pace, freedom from routine and increased spontaneity, I usually end up feeling pretty stressed after taking a few weeks break from ‘normal’. This is because, whether we are travelling or holidaying at home (read ‘catching up on jobs around the house’!), I still have…
Feel Like Giving Up?
It’s Friday afternoon. My kids are getting to each other and making me crazy. Maybe it’s because it’s the end of the week, maybe it’s the wind? (Teachers all say windy days make crazy kids!) I’m tired and trying to get dinner ready. And the words ‘I just want to give up’ just flashed through…
Sanity Saving Tip: Create Two ‘To-Do’ Lists
Have you ever had the scenario when you sat down to write an email that in your life-before-children would have taken less than five minutes, but with children at home takes at least half an hour with five interruptions – and ends up with you frustrated and stressed out? Brain science shows that when we…