My youngest son turned 5 years old yesterday. It was a special day, our last birthday of hanging out alone together before he goes to school full-time in the new year. So I made sure that I could have one of those ‘yes’ days where I was able to put aside my own agenda and say: ‘Yes, we can go to look at animals in the pet shop’ and ‘Sure, let’s stop and look at toys’, and ‘Why not have a play on that playground?’.
Of course, there was some special time where he played happily by himself with his exciting new presents, and when we walked to school to pick up his brother, instead of holding my hand, he actually put his arm around me and told me how great his day had been.
I love seeing my sons grow up. I enjoyed the baby stage, but once they started showing their personalities and could have conversations, I think that’s when I really began to love being a mum. I think my biggest sense of freedom came when I no longer had to turn the bathroom taps on for them to wash hands after using the toilet! And here we are, at five and six, ready for ‘big school’ and loving (nearly) every minute they get to spend together as brothers.
Another birthday, another milestone. That’s what motherhood is all about. Some of the milestones are firsts – first smile, first tooth, first steps. Others are lasts – last breastfeed, last nappy (yes, it will happen eventually!), even last baby when the time is right for your family. I hope that you have been truly present to participate in and enjoy these moments. Even though the really long, tricky days seem like they will last forever, there will be a time when step-by-step, your children walk towards a little bit more independence.
Every step is an end and every step is a new beginning.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
And every step is precious.
What season of motherhood are you in? And what is the most precious thing you can remember and treasure from today?
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