I’ve been doing an experiment for about three months now, where I’ve been filling my days working two different jobs (along with the normal stuff of family and home life). It’s been an interesting time, and in this post I want to share about some of the things I’ve learned – the good, the bad and the ugly!
- Of course, the extra income was a great incentive – it has helped pay for a family holiday and some extra expenses that have come up along the way (as they do!).
- The professional experience has helped me to see more of what I can offer a workplace, and given me a boost to my self-esteem.
- The kids have grown in independence – they are now able to catch the bus, walk home and let themselves into the house.
- Systems that were working – like meal planning – helped us get through this extra-busy period.
- Having to neglect something – there are limited hours in the day which means that I wasn’t able to do some of the things I really wanted to do!
- Areas of the house that were already out of control just got a little bit worse…
- It highlighted where I’ve been lacking in my own self-care.
- The extra stress on the kids and family started to take its toll until we settled into a rhythm and routine.
- When I’m tired and stressed, I can be a really mean person. (Both to myself and others in my family)
The working-two-jobs thing was only ever going to be short-term as I was helping out a friend in her association. I’ll still be doing my job as a Chiropractic Assistant for the immediate future.
But it has certainly given me the opportunity to consider the career choices that might be open to me (as a woman in her early 40s who doesn’t have a university degree or a definite ‘career path’).
To finish off, I want to share a few tips to survive the working-motherhood juggle:
Planning ahead for meals, laundry days, your work outfits, weekend events (and required gifts), entertaining, errands and grocery shopping etc – everything that you can plan and put into a system or routine will help support you to get everyone out the door in the morning with everything they need!
- Delay – put off what doesn’t need to happen right now (ie painting that patch on the kitchen ceiling)
- Delete – get rid of things that you don’t need, or commitments that are just too much for you right now
- Delegate – ask other members in the house to take on extra responsibilities. (And leave lots of notes and instructions so that they remember!)
- Do it – keep on top of things by doing the small actions, like doing the dishes every night and folding the laundry right after it comes off the line or out of the dryer. And ask for help.
As an introvert, I found that I needed to build in recovery time in the evenings after working all day. Make sure it’s something that is restorative, not just mindless screen time. For me, this looks like reading or doing something creative.
The more time-pressured you are, the more you might need to let go of some of the ‘standards’ you hold for yourself. You might need to accept that other people in your house can’t see the dust that annoys you every time you sit down to watch TV…
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