Despicable Jobs


Despicable jobs. We all have them –whether they are household tasks, paperwork, or elements of childcare that we just can’t handle. As you keep reading, think about the top three tasks that you despise, ones you would rather not ever have to do again!

I was at a friend’s wedding a few years ago, and during the wedding service, the minister said something to the couple that I have always remembered. He told the wife to think of the three jobs that she hated to do, and then encouraged the husband to always try and make sure that he does those things. He told the husband to let his wife know the three jobs that he didn’t enjoy, and then asked the wife to make an attempt to do those things for her husband. Summed up in a word, this is about serving the other person. It’s often not a big thing either!

For example, the three things I find hardest to do are cleaning the shower, cutting the kids fingernails, and changing light bulbs. My husband does those things most of the time without me needing to ask or nag. In return, I oversee teeth brushing, laundry (my husband hits his head on the washing line), and cleaning up vomit, because these are things he doesn’t enjoy. (I still do the majority of the housework, because this is the role I currently fill for our family.)

This is such a simple way to share the parts of life that we find particularly yucky or difficult, and it strengthens our relationship when we serve each other in this way.

I encourage you to have an honest discussion with your partner about this, and see if it’s something you can start doing to help share the load!

Have fun!

PS Make a rule that nappy changing is a shared responsibility, even though nobody likes to do it!

About The Author


Tanya lives in Canberra with her husband and two sons. She is passionate about helping women to live fulfilled, purposeful lives. She enjoys reading, cooking, craft and creating memorable moments for her family.


  • Cleaning the shower!! That’s my bugbear too. I would happily pay $100 to a cleaner just to get my showers done. I wonder if my hubster would take over that job for me?

    • Tanya

      Reply Reply 23/10/2015

      It worked for me! I wrote a blog post about it, and the next morning my shower was scrubbed clean!

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