How to Win at Motherhood
I’m not sure ‘winning’ and ‘motherhood’ often go in the same sentence. If you’re like me, there’s an awful lot of days where I feel like I’m losing… losing sleep, losing sanity, losing money, time, personal space, etc, etc. But of course, that is offset by the incredible fulfillment that we get from loving our…
My Story: Batch Cooking a Month of Meals!
Meal planning isn’t really my strength. I can remember as a kid when I would ask Mum what we were having for dinner and she’d say ‘I don’t know’. Now that I am a mum, I know how difficult it is to plan and make a meal EVERY SINGLE DAY! My meal planning was usually…
Celebrating 10 Years of Marriage!
I can hardly believe it, but tomorrow my husband and I are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. How fast the years have gone! And how slowly they moved at times, too, especially through the endless days at home with two little children! As I reflect on the journey of our relationship, I am thankful for…
My Favourite Things: Baby Sign Language
A long, long time ago (time flies!), before my children could talk, we came across the concept of baby sign language. One of my sisters had used it with her children, and I loved the idea of the little people in our family being able to communicate before they could speak! Baby sign language is…
Be the Mum You Want to Be in 2017
Happy New Year! While I know some of you deserve an ‘I survived 2016’ T-Shirt, I hope that this new year has you looking ahead with a bit of hope towards the future. I always feel a little under-prepared for a new year: I feel like the last few months have gone so fast and…
Why you need to add ‘Self-care’ to your Christmas List
It’s mid-December and we’re full-swing into Christmas mode – planning, parties and presents are happening every other day as I check things off my list! But one thing that often happens in the extreme busyness of this time of year is that our own self-care can take the back seat: so today I am here…
Keeping it simple this Christmas
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! (Is it, is it really?) Usually I am so stressed out with the 15 to-do lists I have going that I get to this time of the year and think “I have bitten off more than I can chew”. So, inspired by this slightly tongue-in-cheek blog post…
Countdown to Christmas
It’s that time of year again! The shops, the catalogues, the television and Facebook are all telling us that Christmas is coming, and as well all know from previous experience, things are about to get BUSY! So, how do you get through the silly season without being completely overwhelmed by the increased demands on your…
What’s the job description for motherhood?
Being a mum. Have you ever thought about the job description for motherhood? How multi-faceted the role is, how multi-talented you need to be to fulfil it? And if you knew in advance what the job description was going to be, would you still sign up? There are so many elements to what we do…
My Favourite Things: Norwex
Today I want to share with you another one of my favourite things, something that I’ve been using in my house for over a year now: Norwex cleaning cloths. As you might already know from this blog post about housecleaning, I’m not an outstanding housekeeper, and so anything that will make my life a little…