Countdown to Christmas

It’s that time of year again! The shops, the catalogues, the television and Facebook are all telling us that Christmas is coming, and as well all know from previous experience, things are about to get BUSY!

So, how do you get through the silly season without being completely overwhelmed by the increased demands on your time? Try out these steps to take the stress levels down a couple of notches:

Decide what you want for Christmas

What are your goals for Christmas? Do you have family coming to stay, do you want to spend more time with your kids, do you need to take some time to relax and unwind? Whatever your plans, discuss some goals for the Christmas holidays with the people involved, and write them down. That way, you can check-in that you are taking steps achieving your bigger goals.

Make a list…

…and check it two, three and four times. Make a list of presents you need to buy or organise, menus and food to buy and prepare, create a budget if you need to, and write down lists of guests, decorations and events. And keep checking in with how you are going! If you start to feel overwhelmed, often getting things written down on paper helps you to see what needs to be done, and it feels great to cross stuff off as well! Do a search for ‘free Christmas planning printables if you want your lists to look pretty!


Keep it simple

Now that you have an idea about what you want to achieve, see what you can do to keep it simple. Think about online shopping for presents (click and collect works great, too!), or simplifying your entertaining menus to some quick and easy tried-and-true dishes. Instead of spending hours in stores shopping for the perfect toy, why not gift a sticker book with a gift voucher? This year, to keep it simple, I’ve already decided to minimise some of my Christmas house-decorating, and we’ll see if those batches of Christmas biscuits get made this year…

Share the load

There are many ways that you can consider sharing the additional workload that comes with the season. How about asking guests to help with catering by bringing a salad or dessert, or doing a babysitting swap with a friend so you can both get some child-free time to browse the shops? Or ask your partner to look at your lists with you: he might be able to take care of travel plans and some cleaning while you organise the gifts and food.

Make it magic

Spend a little bit of time going back to your original goals and thinking about what it is you really want to achieve at Christmas. How can you make Christmas magical, not just for everybody else, but you, too? Surprise your children with an evening stroll to look at Christmas lights, pop a bottle of sparkling wine as you put up the Christmas tree, and schedule in a little pampering time so that you can enjoy Christmas celebrations looking and feeling fabulous!

Have fun preparing for Christmas! Get your kids and partner involved, and celebrate it with people you love!

Pop into the comments below and tell me what is your favourite thing about this time of the year?

Tanya x

About The Author


Tanya lives in Canberra with her husband and two sons. She is passionate about helping women to live fulfilled, purposeful lives. She enjoys reading, cooking, craft and creating memorable moments for her family.


  • Love it. Our Christmas is going to look different this year as we are taking a once in a lifetime trip with the family overseas. Wondering whether to still put up decorations before we go just to make it still feel a little Christmassy around here.

    • Tanya

      Reply Reply 09/11/2016

      Wow! So exciting! I hope you have a fabulous time! Surely a few decorations will make it feel Christmassy and special?!

  • Nanou

    Reply Reply 09/11/2016

    Making a list and sticking to it is my challenge! Great tips, thank you 🙂

    • Tanya

      Reply Reply 09/11/2016

      Thanks Nanou! I hope you have fun with your lists!

  • Coralee

    Reply Reply 09/11/2016

    I need to seriously remember your first tip! Keeping it simple. I have a habit of doing the complete opposite.

    • Tanya

      Reply Reply 09/11/2016

      You’re so right! When you make those lists, keep the simple in mind!

  • Michaela

    Reply Reply 09/11/2016

    love this! always great to set intentions. I want to make an advent calendar for my husband – December 1 always seems to come so fast!

    • Tanya

      Reply Reply 09/11/2016

      Ooh! Great idea! Have fun with creating your advent calendar!

  • Susan

    Reply Reply 09/11/2016

    My favourite thing is to have quality time with friends and family. It’s like an excuse to get together for great food and drinks 😉

    • Tanya

      Reply Reply 09/11/2016

      It’s such a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends! So relaxing!

  • Great tips! It is so easy to let this time of year get overwhelming but with a bit of planning it is such a fun time of year.

    • Tanya

      Reply Reply 25/11/2016

      You’re so right! All the best with your planning! x

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