What is life coaching? What can it do for me?

Life coaching is a powerful, intentional conversation where you get to discuss your goals, challenges and vision. A life coach helps you to move forward by asking questions, providing a different perspective, and picking up on themes that may be affecting your progress. A life coach provides accountability and helps you with planning, goal setting, and drawing out the answers that are authentically yours. Using a life coach can help you embrace motherhood by helping you to clarify your values and vision and getting you to reflect on your thought patterns and behaviours. It will help you to shape the picture of who you want to be as a mum.

It’s a big investment, how do I know life coaching is right for me?

Life coaching is an investment, and just like a person trainer, the level of investment and accountability that a life coach provides reaps big rewards! If you look at the investment over a period of five to seven years, while your children are young, you can see that figuring out what is important to you during that time will help you set up great foundations and make the most of the season. I offer a free 30 minute consultation where we can chat about your needs and expectations to make sure that it will give you what you are after.

What qualifications do you have?

I have a Certificate IV in Life Coaching from the Life Coaching Institute of Australia, and I am continually engaged in learning and development. I abide by the International Coach Federation code of ethics. I am not qualified in child development or counselling and I will refer you to seek a qualified practitioner if you need assistance in any of those areas. I am also a mum who understands some of the confusion and chaos of having young children!

How often do we meet up? What if I don’t live in Canberra?

How often we meet depends on the coaching package that you choose and the timeframe that suits you. It’s good to get some momentum during the Thriving Mum coaching sessions, so I suggest completing this package over eight-ten weeks (one school term).

I love to meet my clients face to face, but I am also happy to coach people over the phone or Skype.

I’d love to chat with you to discuss any other questions!

You can email me on info@coachingmum.com.au to set up a time to connect!