Why it’s essential to redefine ‘success’ when you are a mum

I don’t know about you, but I was more than shocked at some of the changes that occurred after becoming a mum. As someone who had become used to getting things done with some level of efficiency, having two children within 18 months changed my definition of ‘success’. It was like I had to let…

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My Life is Stuffed Full

I had a big ‘aha’ moment a few months ago when I realised that I am doing the same thing to my life as I do to my bookshelves and my garage… I stuff them full, and then end up with a pile of things that don’t fit, so I will squeeze them in sideways…

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Helping Kids Learn about Wants and Needs

It all started when my five year old asked me if I would buy him a lightsaber. (Or, more accurately at the time, a ‘light-saver’). He didn’t know much about Star Wars, but because of the couple of books we’d borrowed from the library, plus playing with wonderful lightsabers at friend’s houses, he knew that…

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How to relax when your life is full of little people

The funny thing about being a mum is that there is always more to do. More cleaning, organising, planning, cooking, dressing, sorting, driving, playing, cuddling, or laundry to be done. Sometimes we work like maniacs to set up systems and make things ‘perfect’, and sometimes we may give up and just leave things for weeks…

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Get Ready for Mother’s Day

  Okay, Mother’s Day is rolling around again. I wonder how you feel about that: are you looking forward to getting spoiled, or are you a bit like me, where you buy your own presents and still do all the cooking? 🙂 Wherever you are on the journey, it’s a great day to cherish motherhood!…

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Learning through Play

One of the biggest ‘aha’ moments I had that carries me through as a mum is the concept of children learning through play. What this means is that as children are playing, experimenting and discovering, they learning how things work, and this shapes their understanding of the world around them. The reason this was such…

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Why I’m not ready for the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up

Hi there! If you are active on Pinterest or other blogs, you may have heard of Marie Kondo’s book: ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’. I recently borrowed a copy from our public library (after waiting on-hold for over six months!), and read it over a weekend to see just how life changing it would…

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My favourite things: the kitchen timer!

Once a month, I write a blog post about a program, place or product that has been really helpful in my journey as a mum. And today, I am featuring a product that I use practically every day in our house to maintain order: a digital kitchen timer. A principle I have tried to work…

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The Great Toy Toss

One of my goals during the summer holidays was to go through all the toys with my two children and hopefully remove some of the ones we don’t use any more. Our house isn’t terribly big, and the two boys share a room, so most of their toys are out in our lounge/dining area, stored…

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Coping with a Holiday Hangover

It’s happened twice in the last couple of weeks: I’ve arrived home to an explosion of luggage, food, toys and laundry after a family holiday. And although I haven’t been hungover in the traditional sense of the word, I’ve certainly felt the exhaustion and lack of motivation that comes from trying to deal with the amount…

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