How often do you feel like you want to do more with your life?

It's easy to get stuck in our normal routines of daily life, and to feel overwhelmed by our to-do lists.

Sometimes we need a bit of a nudge to step up and get stuff done.


Thursday 10 September 11.00am AEST

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Want some help to set goals and create action steps so that you can get more done?

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This webinar is for YOU:

  • If you feel like there is too much to do, and not enough time to get everything done
  • If you love your life but sometimes feel so overwhelmed you don't know where to start
  • If you are struggling with feeling tired, overwhelmed and weighed down by the mental load

In 'Get Stuff Done' you will learn:

  • Reasons why it is so difficult to get moving on your goals
  • A super-simple but highly effective goal-setting process that you can use in nearly every area of your life
  • The top 5 ways to get started

Brought to you by Tanya from Coaching Mum

Tanya is a life coach from Canberra who loves helping women to problem-solve their lives. She has two energetic boys and an amazing husband, and knows what it is like to feel overwhelmed nearly every day!