Do you feel like you are 'spinning your wheels' in this season of motherhood?
What you need is clarity on the most important things to do first.
Suddenly, it's not just you on the road anymore... there's a little person who relies on you for all of their daily needs. And as you fulfil your role of nurturing and guiding your child, you can start to feel a little bit lost or overwhelmed by trying to take care of EVERYTHING!
What you need is a map!
The Motherhood Map was created to help mums like you to find a sense of direction in the chaos of life and motherhood.
The tools, resources and reflective questions that make up The Motherhood Map course help you to 'look around' at what is happening in your life and create your plan to move ahead in the direction you want to take.
Ultimately, it's a journey to feeling confident, capable and fulfilled. You're not lost, you just need to work out where you want to go, and how you are going to get there!
I'm Tanya from Coaching Mum
Just like you, I've had my challenges adjusting to motherhood - particularly the feeling of never finishing my to-do list!
My motherhood journey includes time as a stay-at-home mum, work-at-home mum and part-time-working mum. Figuring out my long-term vision for motherhood and finding some practical tools and resources for managing my life has helped me to get through the days where all I could see was failure.
As a coach, I'm passionate about helping overwhelmed mums to problem-solve their lives so that they can be the mum they want to be.
If you'd like some support, guidance and a friendly face to share the tears and laughter, The Motherhood Map might be the next right step for you.

The Motherhood Map focuses on three main areas:
Feeling hopeful about the future; creating clarity around what you want for your life and your family; being able to wholeheartedly embrace the season of motherhood you are in.
Looking at self-care and organisation; being true to your identity; creating the best version of you, asking for help.
Creating confidence around choices; the ability to move forward and achieve your potential; feeling capable; and problem solving to maximise your time and effort.
Here's what we'll cover:
8 Modules focusing on equipping you with the tools and ideas to create your ultimate plan for life and motherhood.
1. ENGINE CHECK: Before We Begin
2. DESTINATION: Setting your Vision and Purpose
3. ROAD RULES: Strategies for Success
4. CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE: Explore the possibilities!
5. DELAYS AND DETOURS: Overcoming Barriers and Blocks
6. FUEL UP: Self-Care
7. ENJOY THE JOURNEY: Create Fulfilling Relationships
8. ARE WE THERE YET? Progress Check up
The Motherhood Map + Coaching Package
Together, we can help you gain clarity and create an action plan to take care of yourself and your family.
The Package includes:
- Lifetime access to The Motherhood Map online course
- 2 x 60 minute one-on-one coaching sessions with Tanya
- An exclusive Facebook Community
- Access to bi-monthly Motherhood Map training and group coaching calls
Ready to get started?
Not sure if this is the best fit for you right now?
Book a chat and we'll see if The Motherhood Map meets your needs.

If you get started with The Motherhood Map and realise that it's not right for you, you can contact us within 30 days for a full refund, no problems!