Got some goals that feel like they've been left languishing alongside that limp lettuce at the back of the fridge?
Yeah, me too.
The thing about goals is that you need time and resources to make them happen.
And as busy women, it can sometimes feel like we have neither.
Introducing the 4-step process to achieving more:

FIRST, figure out a goal that is meaningful to you - make sure it's specific!
SECOND, write it down and plan the steps you need to take to make it happen
THIRD, start taking action and see what happens
FOURTH, celebrate your progress and start the cycle again!

Hey there, I'm Tanya
I'm a mum with a million different things on the go, and I live by my to-do lists.
I am passionate about helping women make progress towards their goals in order to feel fulfilled in their daily life, as well as achieving their 'bigger' plans and life purpose.
I have struggled with feeling like I don't have time to do everything, and I have found (and developed!) some amazing tools to help me focus on the important things and to keep taking baby-steps towards my big goals, too.
Want to come and play TAG?
TAG (Tan's Accountability Group where we share Totally Achievable Goals) is a community of women who are happily sharing the ups and downs of life. Together, we focus on taking baby steps towards our goals, whether it's to clean off the kitchen table, apply for a new job, or create a world-changing empire.
If you're stuck wasting time, with a to-do list of good intentions that never gets done, then TAG will help you create results and success as you establish new structure and habits to achieve your goals.
If you're the kind of person who wants to achieve just a bit more in your daily life, and have the company of good friends while you do it, why not come and play TAG with us?

What do I get when I sign up?
GROUP ACCOUNTABILITY: Join an exclusive FB community of women who want to cheer you along the way to achieving your goals!
WEEKLY CHECK INS: Share your goals and your progress.
COACHING: An introductory 30-minute coaching call, plus group coaching in the FB Group, Q&A sessions, and access to 'Mates Rates' coaching calls.
TRAINING: Weekly training on topics such as mindset, motivation and productivity, plus opportunities to attend training workshops, webinars and Get it Done Days.
When you click on the button below, you'll be taken to a payment page where you can enter your personal and payment details. After you've signed up, you'll be able to book in a time for your one-on-one coaching call and be invited to join the TAG Facebook Group.
You can cancel your TAG membership at any time.
Imagine the difference TAG could make in your life
If you feel as though you just don't know where to begin with goal setting, TAG will help you get direction, support and accountability so that you can start building momentum. With baby steps and little wins, you'll soon be on your way to achieving your 'Big' life goals!
Imagine the difference in your life three months from now if you commit to 12 weeks of focusing on one small goal each week.
What could you achieve that so far has seemed out of reach?