What parts of your 'ordinary' are making you feel dissatisfied?

Sometimes, we feel stuck in a rut. It's hard to figure out what we can change so that we feel more alive, more fulfilled, more present.

FREE WORKSHEET: A simple process to help you create a new 'ordinary' so that you can live the life that you want to live.

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Where do you feel 'stuck' in your current way of doing things?

  • I'm never sure what we're having for dinner
  • I always seem to overreact and yell at my kids
  • I waste time and never get around to doing the things that matter
  • I'm always saying 'I can't play, I'm too busy' to my children
  • Everything is out of control; I can't seem to organise my house

Here's what you'll discover in the 'No Ordinary Mum' worksheet:

  • The 'old way'

    Identify the things that are making you dissatisfied

  • The 'new way'

    Make a decision about how you would like these things to look now

  • Your 'new ordinary'

    Develop your action plan so you know the steps you want to take

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