Are you stuck for ideas for things to do with your kids?

The Fun Mum Club provides you with ideas and inspiration, while saving you time and money!


Here's what you get as a member of the Fun Mum Club:

  • Fun Pack of Activity Essentials

    A curated list of materials and ideas for over 30 activities!  PLUS – Buy the Fun Pack and get the activity materials sent straight to your door.

  • Fun Mum Club Community

    Immediate access to a private Facebook Group with weekly themes and Q&A sessions to share ideas and inspiration.

  • 'Be a Fun Mum' Workbook

    A copy of the ‘Be a Fun Mum’ workbook, to help you get clear on your vision for fun and laughter in your family.

Join the Fun Mum Club!

If you are a mum who needs a little inspiration when it comes to finding activities for your children, the Fun Mum Club is designed to bring you ideas so that you can free up more time to be with your children (or get them playing by themselves).

Fun Mum Club Membership Options:

You'll be taken to the Paypal page for payment. Please ensure that your postal address is correct.

After payment is completed, you will be directed to a page with a link to the Fun Mum Club Facebook Group.

You will also be added to the 'Fun Mum Club' email list and are able to unsubscribe at any time.

A bit about Coaching Mum

When my boys were little, I was a stay at home mum. I used to spend hours researching ideas for activities and games so that I could make the days go a bit faster, and I enjoyed seeing how my children played with the materials that I had stashed away!

Today I'm a coach working with mums, and I know that many of you want to spend more time with your children, or to see your kids explore and learn through play, but you don't have the time to do all the research for ideas or go shopping for the materials.

That's why I'm pleased to bring you the Fun Mum Club: an opportunity to share ideas for play with other mums so that you can be the mum you want to be!

Tanya xx

Giving me some great fresh ideas to try with the kids and encouraging me take a few minutes to do something with them. Sometimes I do it with them and sometimes I don't, and that's ok! … using ideas (and coming up with my own) to reduce screen time and getting the kids doing something else.


So many simple ideas to have fun with my little ones - and most of the activities have very little set up (both time and cost) so I can fit it into my full life. The activities suit a wide age range so I pick the ones right for me. I like the weekly theme as fun can be incorporated anywhere, anytime!



  • Q.What age group are the Fun Pack Materials for?

    A.The materials in the pack are to go along with the list of activities, which would suit 2-10 year olds. Please be aware that there may be small elements where supervision will need to be provided.

  • Q.What's in the Activity Pack?

    A.Well, I love Mystery Packs, so I wanted to keep it a mystery for you!! You’ll have everything you need to get started with the 30 activity ideas included in the Activity Pack, but you’ll just have to wait until the package arrives in the mail to find out what’s inside…

  • Q.I'm not a crafty mum! Would this be okay for me?

    A.Yes, even though there may be some craft involved, we aim to have many different types of activities, like games and challenges as well.

  • Q.Are there any ongoing payments after I've bought the initial pack?

    A.There are no ongoing payments required. You get access to the Fun Mum Club Facebook Group when you buy the introductory pack. From time to time, we may offer additional Fun Packs which you can purchase if you choose!

Want to join in the fun?

Fun Mum Club Payment Options

You'll be taken to the Paypal page for payment. Please ensure that your postal address is correct. After payment is completed, you will be directed to a page with a link to the Facebook Group.

You will also be added to the 'Fun Mum Club' email list and are able to unsubscribe at any time.