Fabulous Kid’s Gift Ideas for Less than $5

Hi there! We’re getting closer to Christmas time and you might be looking for a few last-minute gift ideas for the little people in your life!

In this video, I go through a few of my favourite gift ideas for kids under $5!

Here’s a quick summary of the ideas I mention in the video:

BUBBLES – bubble wands or bubble mix is a great idea for outdoor fun (or indoor-dancing-to-music-fun, too!)

PLAYDOUGH – A couple of fresh tubs of Playdough would always be welcome for fun play!

PAPER – some new, fresh stationary can be used in so many creative ways!

TOY CARS – a quick and easy idea for some great play opportunities

GAMES – if you look around, you can pick up some small games for less than $5. Great for quiet Summer fun!

CRAFT PACKS – some kids love getting creative and making something new!

PUZZLES – pick an age-appropriate puzzle and watch the kids develop their problem-solving skills!

MYSTERY PACKS – there are so many to choose from!


I hope these ideas are helpful! I’d love to hear from you if you’ve got other clever gift ideas for less than $5! Comment below!

About The Author


Tanya lives in Canberra with her husband and two sons. She is passionate about helping women to live fulfilled, purposeful lives. She enjoys reading, cooking, craft and creating memorable moments for her family.

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